Adobe Acrobat Pro XI: Part One
Workplace demand for digital media skills including creating, managing, and integrating PDF documents is on the rise. Adobe Acrobat training is an excellent way to learn and validate your digital communication skills. This brings value to prospective clients and employers.
Learn and master Adobe Acrobat with our hands-on Acrobat training courses. Our Adobe Acrobat classes are task-based and focus on real-world uses and challenges individuals face in their day to day work environments.
Communicating ideas and information is the cornerstone of organizational operations. And, electronic forms of communication have made the transfer of knowledge quick, easy, and inexpensive. The ability to harness the potential of electronic forms of communication is critical in nearly every type of organization. But, in many, if not most, organizations, people work with a wide variety of devices running on a wide variety of platforms. And sometimes, what works well or looks good on one device, won’t work at all on another device. Or, your carefully designed and formatted document may end up looking like a jumbled mess on someone else’s computer. So, how do you balance the need to communicate ideas to large groups of people with the enormous diversity found in today’s electronic devices? The answer: you don’t have to because Adobe created the Portable Document Format as a solution to incompatible document formats.
Adobe? Acrobat? XI Pro puts the power of the Portable Document Format, literally, at your fingertips. By taking advantage of the functionality and features available in Acrobat, you will ensure the integrity of your electronic documents regardless of who views them, on what devices, or with what operating systems. And that will give the confidence and peace of mind that comes with knowing that what you meant to communicate is what your document recipients will see.
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